Rajesh Karra Grad Student

About me

I'm studying Masters in Advanced Computer Science at the School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire (Hatfield, United Kingdom), I finished my bachelor's degree in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science from the Osmania University.

My research interests are focused on Cosmology (Physics), Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity, Computational Physics, Physics, Computer Science, Quantum Gravity, Astronomy, Particle Physics, Learning and Teaching, Theoretical Physics, Spacetime, Relativity Theory, Theoratical Physics, Mathematics

Last news

  • May 24 |   Happy to announce that I am an invited speaker at the SMC 2024. See you there!
  • Apr. 24 |   Published paper in ICASSP 2024! Title: End-to-End Learning of Gaussian Mixture Proposals Using Differentiable Particle Filters and Neural Networks. [DOI] [pdf]
  • Jan. 24 |   Starting a new postdoctoral position in the School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University!
  • Jan. 24 |   Glad to serve as reviewer in IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing.
  • Oct. 23 |   Published paper in Asilomar 2023! Title: State and Dynamics Estimation with the Kalman-Langevin filter. [DOI] [pdf]
  • June 23 |   Contributed talk at the MCM 2023. Title: Adaptive Gaussian nested filter for joint parameter and state estimation in state-space models. [slides]

All news